Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Leaning against the Goal Post

I've been slacking for awhile on this post, my last post was OCTOBER 13th

So what has the Neutral Football League been up to as far as pick wise?

Week 6 we had 8 home teams winning, 6 away teams winning, 9 high percentage pick teams winning and 5 underdog teams winning

Week 7 we had 8 home teams winning, 6 away teams winning, 10 high percentage pick teams winning and 4 underdog teams winning

This Week 8 we had 9 home teams winning, 4 away teams winning, 7 high percentage pick teams winning and 6 underdog teams winning

So through the half way mark of the season we find playing at home (68) has a distinct advantage over playing on the road (49). Also it does seem like the public's favorite picked team (68) each week comes out ahead of the underdog teams (50)

For myself I stand at 65 winning picks out of 117 games giving me a mediocre 55% pick average :-(

Yet with all them stats we still have teams sitting with 1 and 6 records that with just a slight turn of events these next 8 weeks and they could actually make it to the playoffs. Go Figure...

Well that is it for this week as I go back watching the circus they call the NFL while leaning against the goal post...

For up - to - date daily NFL news during the week go to Mac's Football Blog

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